共和党政客针对代理公司ISS和Glass Lewis的ESG问题提出异议
中国人民银行营业管理部、北京市生态环境局签署合作备忘录,共同打造首都绿色金融品牌 2023年1月11日,中国人民银行营业管理部、北京市生态环境局签署合作备忘录。双方锚定碳达峰碳中和目标和绿色北京战略,统筹推进首都绿色低碳转型发展和生态环境高水平保护。
The People's Bank of China Business Management Department and Beijing Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment signed a memorandum of cooperation to jointly build a green financial brand in the capital On January 11, 2023, the Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment signed a memorandum of cooperation. The two sides anchored on the carbon peak carbon neutral target and the green Beijing strategy, and coordinated to promote the green and low-carbon transformation and development of the capital and the high-level protection of the ecological environment.
In the future, the two sides will focus on carrying out carbon emission evaluation of enterprises and projects, establishing a green project/enterprise directory, using monetary policy tools to support the development of green industries, exploring the establishment of green assessment standards that meet the characteristics of Beijing's development and are in line with international standards, and promoting in-depth cooperation between financial institutions and green industries and projects. At the same time, it will also establish working mechanisms for communication and coordination, consultation and analysis, and result sharing, formulate a list of cooperation tasks, promote the resolution of important and difficult issues in green development and financial support, strengthen information sharing, and lay a solid foundation for effectively promoting Beijing's green development and carrying out financial support to help the capital's high-quality development.
两位消息人士说,印度的市场监管机构将在其第一套规则中采用基于原则的方法,而不是规定性的方法,预计在未来几个月内,将对公司的ESG问题进行评级。 01 India Regulator Opts for Principles-Backed Approach on ESG Ratings“India’s market regulator will adopt a principles-based, rather than prescriptive, approach in its first set of rules, expected over the next few months, for rating a company on ESG issues, two sources said.
02 共和党政客针对代理公司ISS和Glass Lewis的ESG问题提出异议 “来自共和党各州的21位总检察长向代理咨询公司Institutional Shareholder Services(ISS)和Glass Lewis发出了一封信,对这两家公司支持公司的气候和DEI相关问题提出异议,并警告他们,他们在这些领域向股东提供的建议违反了他们考虑客户财务利益的职责。
02 Republican Politicians Target Proxy Firms ISS, Glass Lewis over ESG
A group of 21 Attorneys General from Republican states have sent a letter to proxy advisory firms Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) and Glass Lewis, taking issue over the firms’ support for climate and DEI-related issues at companies, and warning them that their recommendations to shareholders in these areas are in violation of their duties to consider their clients’ financial interests
3 信息类
01 欧盟创新基金向RWE的废物制氢项目FUREC赠款1.08亿欧元 RWE的FUREC项目,旨在从荷兰林堡的不可回收的城市固体废物中生产循环和绿色的氢气,从欧盟的创新基金获得了1.08亿欧元的拨款。
02 Putnam投资公司推出五只新的关注ESG的ETFs “Putnam投资公司总裁兼首席执行官Robert L. Reynolds说:"我们认为,通过选择产品包装(如ETF、共同基金和独立管理账户)为客户提供一系列跨资产类别的投资产品,这一点越来越重要。
02 Putnam Investments Launches Five New ESG-Focused ETFs“We think it is increasingly important to offer clients a range of investment products across asset classes delivered through a choice of product wrappers, such as ETFs, mutual funds and separately managed accounts,” said Robert L. Reynolds, President and Chief Executive Officer, Putnam Investments.
<hr/>资 讯 来 源
- http://sthjj.beijing.gov.cn/bjhrb/index/xxgk69/zfxxgk43/fdzdgknr2/ywdt28/xwfb/326022367/index.html
- https://esgnews.com/india-regulator-opts-for-principles-backed-approach-on-esg-ratings/
- https://www.esgtoday.com/republican-politicians-target-proxy-firms-iss-glass-lewis-over-esg/
- https://esgnews.com/eu-innovation-fund-grants-e108-million-to-rwes-waste-to-hydrogen-project-furec/
- https://esgnews.com/putnam-investments-launches-five-new-esg-focused-etfs/